Hanna Somatic Movement Class at Taitung University, Taiwan, May 2014, conducted by me (Susan Koenig) and my translator Mei-Hsiu Lio. I also give thanks to my Teacher's Assistants, Hsiu-Lien Huang of Taiwan and Masako Hirasawa of Japan.
The most common question I’m asked is, “Can you help me get out of pain?”
After people experience Hanna Somatics whether in a private session or group movement class, they are thrilled and surprised at how good they feel.
Much of the pain and joint stiffness we experience seems directly related to our chronically tight, tense, contracted muscles. Hanna Somatics uses the motor cortex of your brain to help you regain comfort and release pain and tension in your muscles and joints.
Hanna Somatic movements and clinical hands-on techniques are pleasurable. They are done slowly with comfortable effort. In most fitness and exercise classes you are encouraged to “go for it 100%.” In Hanna Somatics you are directed to reduce your level of effort and exertion which actually increases your ability to sense your internal process and achieve greater results in pain reduction, joint stiffness, and a sense of well being.
Disclaimer: The content of this website is for educational purposes only. Please do all somatic movements comfortably, slowly, and without pain or force. Please consult appropriate medical or health care providers if you have any concerns about whether the movements are suitable for you, especially if you are dealing with an illness or injury, are pregnant, or have other health, balance or mobility issues.